Tanycyte Is the Trick to a Summer Body in Winter



Recent studies have shown that there are brain cells that can help control appetite in a way that makes eating less habitual. These cells are called tanycytes and they are triggered by the amino acids in some foods.

This trigger in the amino acids pairs with the tanycytes and signals the body it is full. Eating foods that can make a person feel full faster will have a positive result including a healthier weight. This fact is because the individual is no longer overeating but eating for fulfillment.

There are always discussions about what consumers should or should not put into their systems on a daily basis. Yet much of the conversation is a result of various amounts of fact and opinion within the virtual world and society.

Researchers suggest finding the correct animal and plant-based products that have more amino acids that will benefit the body. It is important to know what to look for in the foods that are being consumed. One important makeup of many types of meat and a few vegetables, fruits, and nuts stimulate the tanycyte.

According to Futurity, “Tanycytes are cells found in part of the brain controls energy levels, detect nutrients in food and tell the brain about the food we’ve eaten.” These tanycytes are the way for the brain to tell the body, it is not necessary to eat any more food.

This reaction is seen when arginine and lysine, the two amino acids that combine with the tanycytes and reduce the body’s appetite.

As consumers, it is really about being able to determine what the body needs for survival and not what the body wants. This is how individuals can be helped to maintain their weight and health for individuals.

The New Daily addresses some of the fruits and vegetables that should be eaten on a frequent basis. They do not claim one should only eat fruits and vegetables, nor do they say only meats. Food, like anything in life, needs balance. Something as simple as pairing avocados with chicken could make a big difference.

Here are some things to try for kicking off a healthy diet:

Pork shoulder, beef sirloin steak, chicken, mackerel, plums, apricots, avocados, lentils, and almonds.

Winter is commonly known as a time for fellowship and comfort food, yet that does not mean there has to be a ton of calories involved. Putting healthier foods on the table can help individuals keep their chiseled summer bodies during the winter. Tanycytes can help foster self-control.

Written by Alexandria Martin


UPI: Appetite controlling brain cells identified in new study
Futurity: Here’s how your brain realizes you’re full
The New Daily: Nine foods you love that could help you lose weight

Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Johnathan Lin’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License


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