Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Will Not Go to Prison for Desertion



After an emotional trial, Col. Jeffery Nance, announced his decision regarding the sentence for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The defense was pleased to learn that their client will not serve the prosecution’s plea for 14 years in prison.

Bergdahl will not serve any time, according to USA Today on Nov. 3, 2017. However, his rank was reduced to E-1, and he received a dishonorable discharge.

Today’s ruling brings an end to the seven-day trial, which included some sensational testimony about the chaos of being a soldier in the Afghan war. Some of Bergdahl’s fellow combatants were not happy with the way the Army initially handled his 2009 desertion, which is cause for life imprisonment.

One of his defense attorneys, Capt. Nina Banks contended that the five years her client was a prisoner of the Taliban. He suffered torture at the hands of his captures. Banks explained that he left his post “because he thought he was achieving a bigger purpose.” Moreover, his intent was not to do harm to anyone. He wanted to speak with senior commanders about his thoughts regarding the ineffective way he believed the war was handled.

Unfortunately, he never reached his intended destination. During the military’s search for him, three soldiers sustained injuries.

Bergdahl was returned to the U.S. in 2014 in exchange for five Taliban militants incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay.

By Cathy Milne


USA Today: Bowe Bergdahl avoids prison time, will receive dishonorable discharge, judge rules

Featured and Top Image by Lance Cpl. Tommy Bellegarde for ResoluteSupportMedia’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License


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