Review of The News Schools Agriculture Program

Courtesy of Eivind Kvamm-Lichtenfeld (Flickr CC0)

Over this past summer, The News School(TNS) participated in CYCS. TNS offered four internship programs: Journalism, Broadcasting, Social Media, and Agriculture.

What is Agriculture?

Courtesy of David Ellis (Flickr CC0)

Agriculture is the practice of farming, including growing crops and using animals to provide food, wool, and other products. It is important to society because of the commodities that are made from it. For example, fruits, vegetables, rice, yarn, and dairy products.

Another way agriculture is important is because it can help people who live in poor neighborhoods fight food disparities. It does this by allowing individuals to grow their own food in a very healthy way. 


Before Working for The News School

When I was choosing which program to go do, I saw agriculture as an option. When I saw it caught my eye almost immediately.

At the time, I considered trying gardening and wanted to see if I truly have a green thumb. It intrigued me but also made me overwhelmed at the same time. I had never had a job before.

While Working in the Program

Courtesy of Kim Knoch (Flickr CC0)

During my shift, I worked hard and earned tons of money. My supervisor, Ebonee Stevenson was very chill and fun to have a conversation with. It was also fun to play Uno with her when we took breaks. Even though she was very chill, she could be very strict. She made me and my co-workers get our act together. She also motivate us to work hard when we had to make presentations or articles.

After the Program

What I think worked was the presentations that my program did along with the creative articles that we made. The presentations and articles from my program were great, however, I wish that we had more time to plant flowers at our site from across the street. Overall, my whole experience in the program was great.

Written by Myshona Phillips
Edited by Sheena Robertson

Top and Featured Image Courtesy of Eivind Kvamm-Lichtenfeld‘s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License
First Inset Image Courtesy of David Ellis‘ Flickr Page – Creative Commons License
Second Image Courtesy of Kim Knoch‘s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License


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