Jeff Flake Defends Muslim Adversary From Online Abuse


Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, defended a Muslim woman, who wants him unseated from his chair, after the hate messages she received on Facebook.

He defended his opponent, Democratic candidate Deedra Abboud, from online attack from multiple parties. Flake expressed his support for Abboud on Twitter and posted a link to the op-ed in The Arizona Republic calling out the attack. The online attack began after she posted a message about the separation of church and state.

Abboud, who is a lawyer from Phoenix, thanked Flake for his leadership.

This was not the first time Flake has defended Muslims in Arizona. He stood up for Muslim citizens of American against the executive order presented by President Donald Trump.

In on Mosque in December 2015, Flake stated: “My hope and prayer today is that isolated voices calling for the division are overwhelmed by the chorus of voices in the room today calling for acceptance, tolerance, and inclusion.”

Flake defended his Muslim adversary against online attacks while uplifting the residents of Arizona. He promised there were wonderful people in the state and apologized for the behavior of the ignorant.

Abboud is the first Muslim to run for public office in Arizona. Flake supports and encourages his adversary and shows his leadership skills and strengths at the same time.

Written by Kwjuana Owens
Edited by Jeanette Smith


Washington Post: Muslim women online attack while Mr. Flake steps in
CNN: Flakes defends Muslim Opponent
12News: Muslim Candidate grateful for Flakes Tweets

Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Gage Skidmore’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License


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